9:30 am
League is full for the first half. If you are looking to register for the second half, please put yourself on the waitlist. Cloverdale Masters Curling Club are offering curlers the opportunity to curl in a Stick Curling League . This league will be part of the Cloverdale Masters Curling Club and part of the PCMCA (Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association). Stick Curling has two curlers on each team, games are 6 ends, using six rocks for each end. There is no sweeping of rocks between the hog lines, sweeping is allowed after thrown rock has crossed the far hog line. For full rules and more information , go on line and check the web sites on Stick Curling. The Stick Curling league will play on Monday mornings starting at 9.30am. Hopefully we can play two games each Monday, as games usually are completed in an hour 10 minutes.